Academic Programs
Academic Excellence Program (ACE)
ACE seeks to diversify the fields of science, math, and engineering by assisting students in obtaining their Bachelor's. ACE provides discussion sections in entry-level mathematics, calculus, and both general and organic chemistry.
California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP)
CAMP assists underrepresented students with majors in science, math, and engineering obtain their degree. The program offers trips, collaborative learning, conferences, and faculty mentorship.
Chancellor Undergraduate Internship Program (CUIP)
CUIP offers undergraduates an opportunity to work on campus projects, gain professional experience and take a course on leadership and institution building.
Education Abroad Program (EAP)
EAP gives students an opportunity to travel to 33 countries for short-term or long-term studies. Language classes, internships and course work for major or general requirements are offered.
Education Opportunity Program (EOP)
EOP represents the University of California's effort to identify, retain, and graduate a diverse student body. With that in mind, the mission of the Education Opportunity Program is to promote the retention, academic success, and graduation rates of first-generation college, low-income, and educationally disadvantaged student populations, and to assist these students with preparation for admission to graduate and professional schools. American Indian students are automatically considered and granted EOP status.
The University of California, Washington DC Center (UCDC)
The UCDC (quarter in Washington, D.C.) The program supervises and supports students who pursue internships and academic study in the nation’s capital. The program is open through a competitive application process to juniors and seniors (occasionally sophomores) in all majors. Students enroll for fall, winter, or spring quarter, earn 12-17 course credits, and continue to be registered as full-time students. Applicant selection is based on academic record, a written statement, letters of recommendation, and possibly a personal interview.