Prison Reading Project (PRP)

The Prison Reading Project (PRP) was started in 2015 with the purpose of providing incarcerated American Indians with fiction and non-fiction reading materials related to the history, culture, languages, traditions, art, and worldviews of American Indian tribes. 

The AIRC sends books, magazines, DVDs, and pamphlets to prison libraries that request them. Individuals may write and ask for specific information, and we provide up to 10 pages of information taken from library and internet searches. As of spring quarter 2020, we have sent over 500 books, magazines, DVDs, and other print materials to prisons in California and Nevada. 

If you or someone you know has books they would like to donate to the Prison Reading Project, please contact the AIRC ( We accept books, DVDs, and magazines that relate specifically to American Indians. Donations of books and/or other materials to the project allows us to continue our efforts. We appreciate your help! 

Letters of request can be sent to the following address: 

American Indian Resource Center
University of California, Santa Cruz
Bay Tree Building, 3rd Floor  
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064